Monday, June 19, 2017

Alma 26:36
"I say, blessed be the name of my God, who has been mindful of us, wanderers in a strange land

Sister Kelly, Sister Rendon, Sister Murray

Sister Burnside

Wanderers in a strange land.........
missionaries in Tulare, California. 

Tulare is full of a bunch of weirdo's, but I love them. 


If we are being completely honest, or even half-way honest then of course we can all admit that any reason is a lame one for not coming closer to Jesus Christ...but wait till you hear JEFFS. 

So we showed up to do some service and help a woman move and while she was on her way we decided to talk to someone outside who was currently smoking weed, handwashing clothes in water that was all the way black, and feeding his venus fly trap maggots that were for some reason just hanging out on his front porch. So things were already weird, but then He told us that the only reason he is not a Mormon is because he is 100% convinced that the Earth we live on is flat. He knowwwws it and he also apparently knows that the leaders of the church know it as well. He is also trying to get to Antarctica so that he can prove to the world that the world is flat....the missionary handbook councils us to not ask family or friends to donate to local ya'll are safe and ya'll can rest assured that I won't ask you to donate to his causes. 

Other things about my week as a missionary...

-I discovered that I had fooled myself real well into thinking that I could fake speaking spanish. 


imagine me running in the blazing california sun because it gets hot at six in the morning and stays hot until 9 o"clock at night. 

Then I see a person who of course I try to go share the gospel. This person only speaks spanish....but I keep trying to share the gospel...
I think in my head that he asks if I want to pray (oracion) I say yes twelve times. In real life he asked if I wanted a donation (donacion) so then I ran away from the one dollar bill he tried to give me. 


-So in the California Fresno mission before you get off the phone with other missionaries you remind them that you love them. Once upon a time Sister Burnside and I were talking to the Spanish Elders working in the area and they said 'bye' without any love in my head I think I say..."Wow, where is the Love?" What I say in real life to these Elders is..."Where are you my love?"

and that is the story of why I stopped thinking I was good at faking spanish. 

real quotes from Sister Burnside....

"I've been here for two weeks and I've never been proposed to this much ever."

This is true. This man from India who spoke barely more English than my just over a month old niece accepted a picture of Christ and in turn offered us marriage. He assured us that He had absolutely no money problems at all. 

Speaking of Sister Burnside...I love her lots. We have a lot of heart to heart conversations. 

I love ya'll. 

I know that the Lord is leading my life right now. I know I'm where I am supposed to be with who I am supposed to be with and I am so grateful for it
Sister Rendon

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